Sanding Discs - Accidental Review

glenn bradley

I don't do a lot of power sanding. This means I pick up what I read is the "best" abrasive when I happen to see a deal on it. We all have different experiences and certainly someone who does more of this will have a larger data sample than I have. I wanted to share my experience since I appreciate it so much when others do. It gives us all a little more info to make decisions off of. :)
I do use your typical cloth, paper, and film backed discs. Generally from Kilingspor with good result for that type of sanding. When you require better dust collection or a more flexible backing . . . here's my experience:

Sanding Discs Review.jpg

On the left, the 3M Cubitron tends to have the hook and loop material fail way before the abrasive has been consumed. The abrasive works well but you do not get your money's worth based on the premium price.
Second from the left, the 3M Xtract is far superior in being able to use the disc to exhaustion. I would buy this anytime I found a good deal. It is a very usable product.
The two on the right are Mirka Abranet. I show two because the one on the extreme right is nearly shredded and the backing was hard to read. Even in this condition it still hangs on well and is somewhat usable.

For me the Abranet is the clear winner in dust collection, durability of the hook/loop material, usable life, and flexibility. If you figure the abrasives usable life versus the cost per disc they make more sense. Just one woodworker's opinion ;)
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