Going to delay my Thanksgiving Meal till tomorrow, Go Family coming tomorrow. So I'll fix the turkey dinner, Got a smoked turkey from a local supplier so all I have to do is heat it up. Gonna have dressing, green bean casserole and smashed taters. Then Saturday gonna take the Harley for a nice long ride.
And a big Happy T'day to y'all. We will be having our traditional family gathering but it will be a bittersweet event this year. My wife will not be there. My son's father-in-law will be there but in a wheelchair from the nursing home. He is in very bad health. But he is still with us. I'm alone but still kicking albeit feebly. Blessings to all.
Wait, what? It's Thanksgiving already? Is it too late to thaw my turkey? :doh: Here's wishing you all a great one, however you end up celebrating.

We're headed to one of the nephew's houses for dinner this afternoon. I think there'll be 14 or 15 people there...I'll know most of them. I was tasked with bringing pumpkin pie and dinner rolls. I picked up a ginormous pie from Costco a few days ago, but my homemade dinner rolls came out more like biscuits than rolls, so I'm also bringing an emergency loaf of fresh-baked bread. (Made from store-bought frozen dough.)
We had ours last weekend with family. It was so good and so fun I totally forgot today is Thanksgiving. Tried to talk my wife into Clam Chowder. But she wasn't in the mood so it is chicken breasts for us. Really doesn't matter the date, having a special dinner with family is alway Thanksgiving to me.
We were planning to have a small meal, since my wife has been bed or recliner ridden since July 2, but our #2 son had different plans. He wanted to have a traditional dinner with up "like we used to have", so he has been here every afternoon all this week baking for not only us, but also pies for his wife's family Thanksgiving that was also today. So today's feast had everything that we always had when he was growing up. Of course turkey and stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, fruit salad, nuts, cranberries, and 4 kinds of pies made with 2X as many so half of them could go to his wife's side of the family. I helpedhim where I could, but for the last 3 days. I have also been sent out to gather the needed supplies for this, and to go get last minute things that we had forgotten. He pulled it off. Everything tasted fine.

My #1 son's family couldn't be here today. They will be here tomorrow, so two turkey breasts were cooked today, one for today and one for tomorrow and everything else was doubled up too, so there is plenty of everything still here for tomorrow, but I ate so much today that I don't want to even look at food and don't think I'll be hungry tomorrow either. #3 son lives with us, but is nearly wheelchair bound. He helped where he could too, and then also ate more than he should have.
