Sources for 3d Models?

Brent Dowell

Staff member
Reno NV
Obviously, there is the Vectric "Design & Make" site, but was wondering if anyone had any other sites/sources they use for 3d models?

Free/cheap sources would be great, but Just kind of looking for more variety.

I've seen the "100's of gigabyte" collections that have been hawked on facebook, but seems like a lot of those designs might stolen from other artists.

I'm looking at a site right now called that seems legitimate, but just wanted to see what others might be using.
I have been collecting models for years.

Lots of obviously hacked and stolen models.

There are arguments that can be made about our morals as to wether or not we buy them.

It can be a painful experience. I bought "The Lords Supper" several years ago and paid $100 for it. Then I see the same for sale for $25 or even less. Painful.

There are TONS of models out there

I do buy models from Design and Make - lots of them

I also buy from ETSY, EBAY

Scott55 on the Vectric Forum sourced a bunch of cool places but I forgot the links - ask over there and I am sure you will get a list.

Forgive me, but I have never made a list of sources.

I usually do an internet search when I am hunting for something specific.
Also I am starting to make models from scratch, like the Thistle Cottage

All the models for "Making Cool Stuff" is clipart and I am not sure where I go them - mostly Vectric or Design and Make

The CNC Clipart looks like a nice source
I have been collecting models for years.

Lots of obviously hacked and stolen models.

I need to correct a misconception from my previous post.

I do NOT buy models that are obvious stolen and sold at lower cost.

I do buy models that are low cost that I have never seen on other places.
I cannot verify if they are hacked.

Sorry if I made anyone think that.
I didn't think that at all. Reason I asked is I want to stay away from those kind of people . I don't mind rewarding artists for their work, I just don't want to pay a scammer.
I fully agree.

There are tons of scammers out there.

I believe that pretty much ALL of those on ETSY or EBAY selling beautiful models for $5 or so are scammers.
However I don't know that for sure.

BUT - if I don't see the model anywhere else and I want it - well I buy it.
I want to support the artist, but, boycotting the scammer does not help anyone either.

It's like trying to get a "hater" to not hate!
Just not possible

So, I want to make a squirrel nestled in a log, and I see a nice model on ETSY for $1.95 that I don't see anywhere else.
I have 2 choices --- buy ------ or assume it's a hack and do not buy it
choices - choices